Lynda Roberts
... in the beginning
My journey with the Enneagram has truly been an unfolding. The Enneagram found me more than I found it, and once we met, I somehow knew that I simply needed to trust the unfolding. My ideas about planning and mapping out a future fell by the wayside as I relaxed into a “know as you go” mode.
…we can see that you have been thinking about the Enneagram and using it in your life for some time. The seasoning and maturation shows, and it is ultimately the best way to understand and to teach The Work.
Don Riso and Russ Hudson—2008
My Background / My Story
​After college I entered into a high school mathematics teaching career and earned a Masters Degree in Education. After teaching for several years, I became interested in computer programming and took a job as a computer analyst. I soon moved into the management ranks, became certified as a Project Management Professional, and managed large-scale technology projects. It was the ”people side” of project management that I most enjoyed. Even before I had come upon the Enneagram, I had a genuine appreciation for how people can operate in the world in such different ways.
​After retiring from my corporate position, I returned to the classroom as a professional trainer teaching project management. Shortly thereafter, the Enneagram started showing up on my radar screen. I was hearing about it from multiple sources and decided to investigate. I listened to Richard Rohr’s recordings and read Don Riso’s and Russ Hudson’s “Wisdom of the Enneagram.” I was intrigued.
​After a couple of years of personal study, I decided that I wanted and needed some “training.” I found Riso-Hudson offering a week-long Part I Enneagram Training close by and I signed up. I went into that training thinking that surely, after a full week of training, I would know everything there was to know about the Enneagram. Needless to say, the experience of that week opened my eyes to what this Enneagram thing was really about and to the depth and dynamism of this tool, and I was hooked.
​Over the course of the next three years, I completed all the Riso-Hudson workshops and trainings, including the Authorized Workshop Teacher Training. I completed and submitted my essays and teaching videos and received the Riso-Hudson Teacher Certification with Honors and certification as a Riso-Hudson Authorized workshop teacher. My greatest honor was the invitation from Don and Russ to enter into their Riso-Hudson Faculty Training Program, which I enthusiastically accepted.
​I participated in small group “faculty training sessions” with Don Riso at The Barn, observed and soon began to teach in the Part I Training Program with Don and Russ and became a member of the Riso-Hudson Faculty. For the next four years, I continued to teach Riso-Hudson Part I Trainings and the “Inner Critic (Psychic Structures) Workshop.”
I am an IEA Accredited Professional With Distinction and my Enneagram teaching career has included creating and co-creating Enneagram workshops and trainings, including an IEA Accredited Training Program. I have taught and facilitated Enneagram sessions in corporate environments as well as in environments for deep spiritual work.
My Enneagram journey has included serving a six-year term on the Board of the International Enneagram Association, serving as President for two of those years. I’ve attended every annual IEA Global Conference since 2006 and have presented at IEA Global Conferences as well as Regional Conferences in Europe and South Korea. I am a co-founder of the Georgia Chapter of the IEA, which has now expanded to IEA Southeast USA, and continue to serve as a Chapter Board Member.
​It was my work with the Enneagram that launched me on my own deep inner work journey and spiritual path, for which I’m so very grateful. I’ve been in the Diamond Approach work since 2009 as a member of Sandra Maitri’s International Retreat Group.
From my inner work journey and work with the Enneagram came my relatively recent “wake-up call” that has compelled me into the social justice work that I am now engaged in. I had done a great deal of work around understanding myself (and others) but realized that we’re all swimming in societal and cultural waters that impact us in very deep ways. Remaining blind to these forces is no longer an option for me as I engage in my own learning and in social justice action communities. READ POST>
While I have now retired from corporate Enneagram works and other "work" commitments, I continue to stay quite busy with volunteer work and teaching our IEA Accredited Training Program two or three times a year. continue my work as an Enneagram Educator, creating and co-creating Enneagram workshops and trainings. I trust the continued unfolding of my social justice work with great hope that I can be an agent of change. While I am deeply grateful for all aspects of my journey, I am most grateful for all the ways that the Enneagram has enriched my life.